Martin Leblanc

Web Developer

University of Waterloo

Martin began his code career trying to build a better website for himself in the early 2000’s. He wanted to become a big global DJ and what better way than the web? In October 2014, he joined University of Waterloo’s Marketing and Strategic Initiatives as a web developer on the digital communication’s team where he still works today. His main responsibility is coding the presentation layer of University of Waterloo’s web ecosystem. He works closely with their IST department and brings many years experience of writing vanilla css/html/js code. One of his first jobs was creating a responsive “mobile first” version of the University of Waterloo website. Fast forward now to 2023 after using all of what Drupal had to offer over the years (even coded a fully decoupled UW Magazine), the university chose to move forward with a theme that uses the Pattern Lab design system. While the website didn’t make him a bigger DJ, he does continue to hold a residency in Hamilton at Tim Horton’s Field for the CFL’s Hamilton Tiger Cats as their stadium DJ.

September 8, 2023

Pattern Lab and Drupal within a Higher Education Environment

Present and Past Speakers