Don Lalicon

Sr. Drupal Developer

Evolving Web

Don Lalicon currently lives in Montreal, where he develops Drupal websites for Evolving Web using Drupal, modern web techniques, and coffee. He has been in a constant love-hate relationship with Drupal for over 10 years. He has worked on several higher ed websites including the Simons Institute and Princeton International and regularly performs audits on websites for best practices, including multilingual websites. He has worked on two decoupled websites, the first one using Nuxt.js and the second using Next.js, and is eager to share what he has learned in the process.

May 26, 2023

Little Sprinkles of Interactivity: Progressively Decoupling Drupal

September 8, 2023

Figma to Webflow

September 8, 2023

Decoupled Drupal with Next.Js

Present and Past Speakers