How Information Architects and UX Designers Make Magic Happen



We’ve all seen the end result of collaboration between those working to organize content and displaying it in service of user needs - for better or for worse! But what actually happened behind the scenes to move from concept to product? How can the complementary disciplines of information architecture and user experience (UX) design work hand in hand to bring a vision to life? Drawing from a variety of finished products, this session will break down the methodologies and best practices for moving from a sitemap to wireframing, with each expert sharing tips for making the most of this collaboration. 

Key topics covered include:

  • When to include each discipline throughout discovery and design phases
  • Collaborative exercises with examples to craft useful and usable products
  • How to leverage the superpowers of each expert
  • Challenges and blind spots to watch out for - and how to mitigate risks

*This session will be bilingual.