Sofiya Cabalquinto

Chief Marketing & Communications Officer

Rhode Island School of Design

Sofiya Cabalquinto comes to RISD with more than 20 years of marketing and communications experience in the higher education and nonprofit sectors. Prior to joining our leadership team, she led the communications and public affairs office at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, focusing on unifying the school’s brand, advancing its reputation, amplifying faculty research and insights, and engaging students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends to gain support for the school's priorities.

Previously, Cabalquinto served as Emerson College’s associate vice president of communications and marketing and Wellesley College’s senior director of communications, and also held communications roles at the Museum of Science in Boston, Brooklyn Botanic Garden and the Corcoran Group. She has a bachelor’s degree from Swarthmore College and an MFA in creative writing from The New School.

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