Bridget Hornsby

Web Applications Developer

University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Bringing a unique perspective to web approach from her 20+ years branding experience serving B2B, government, and non-profit organizations, Bridget incorporates her keen eye for marketing to future students in all her web development projects. With her experience as principal and owner of her own branding firm in Knoxville, TN, Bridget began working at UTC in early 2021 and has coupled her branding and web development skills to help continuously create an online presence that engages the user and tells the University's story. Bridget is a graduate of the University of Georgia, Henry Grady College of Mass Communication and Journalism with a major in advertising and minor in visual arts. She loves trying out top chefs’ cuisine recipes, gardening, reading & writing, and finding waterfalls with her husband and border collie, Redd.

April 12, 2024

DIY Website Audit: How to Excel in Selling Your Organization

Present and Past Speakers